Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental (Everything You Want to Know)

Nicole J. Holstein
Are you curious to learn in-depth how Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental works? This is the right place for you. 

Carpet cleaning is one of the tasks that awaits many people at home. Purchasing carpet cleaner tools and accessories is expensive, and many people have opted for carpet cleaner renting services.

Many online retailers that sell home improvement and supplies, such as Lowes and Walmart, offer carpet cleaner renting services. In this article, we aim to cover Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rentals' services and explore how they work and many other tips.

If you are a dedicated Safeway customer or enthusiast, read about Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental and learn about many more things we discovered from our research.

Table Of Contents

Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental

If you are a newbie, then understand that most Safeway stores in multiple locations offer carpet cleaner rental services to the customers. You can get the rental carpet cleaners for not just four but also 24 and 48 hours. However, Safeway states you must return them to the store on time to avoid additional charges.

Still, when you have not properly maintained these carpet cleaners, the company will also impose extra charges as applicable. You can also call the local Safeway stores and make a reservation for the carpet cleaner before pickup day.

If you are new to this carpet cleaner rental service, you are likely curious to learn more about how Safeway works, charges, the available types of carpet cleaners, and more. Hence, read the article alongside and learn from the experts.

Types of Carpet Cleaners at Safeway for Renting

There are different types of carpet cleaners available for rent at Safeway. The site only features  Rug Doctor carpet cleaners within the participating Safeway stores or locations.

Customers can select from the three unique types of carpet cleaners. The choice depends on the preferences and needs of the customers. these include:-

Therefore, when you are interested in renting one of the carpet cleaners mentioned above, we advise that you first call the local Safeway and make a reservation for the model. This is only when available and guarantees collection before the actual time.

Besides renting, Safeway still sells these Rug Doctor cleaning solutions through the store. This solution gives better results when washing the carpet.

How Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental Works?

Before renting a Carpet Cleaner at Safeway, the company insists that you first physically visit the customer service desk to find out on its availability. You can still call them to confirm the carpet cleaner model's availability.

Assuming they have the carpet cleaner you need available for rental, you must provide two copies of a valid ID before being granted permission to rent the machine model.

The forms of ID you can provide vary. It can be a passport, driving license, Immigration card, military ID Card,  student ID, Credit card, or state or province-issued photo ID. Once you give them two pieces of the ID, a Safeway associate at the customer service desk will take you through the process, retrieve the rental, and make the payment. When settling the rental payment charges, you can use a debit card and a credit card to get the carpet cleaner set for the collection.

However, it is unfortunate that Safeway does not accept the cash or payment made with the check when renting a carpet cleaner. This is especially true when you must pay three extra charges for the damages or the late return fee.

Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental Policy

Safeway rents 3 Rug Doctor carpet cleaners to customers in most locations. We have covered these models or types in the above section.

The pricing of each  Rug Doctor carpet cleaner rental also varies from one model to the other. This is often consistent in almost all Safeway locations. We will cover pricing in the next section.

Rug Doctor carpet cleaners need the cleaning solution to give customers perfect results. The cleansing solution is also available at the Safeway store. Most of the cleaning solutions range from $5 to $25. That is the Rug Doctor-owned brand, but it might come at an affordable price when you seek from the different brands.

When you want to clean hard surfaces, you will need attachments or accessories that Safeway offers. These accessories will cost you between $10 and $20.

From all the experience and research, we have realized that Safeway doesn't charge customers a deposit. However, for late returns or damages, Safeway will charge you the initial rental fee you paid for the machine till they receive the carpet cleaner machines. Some Safeway locations charge customers a $10 to $20  cleaning fee for machines returned dirty. You must incur the repair cost when you return the machine when it is broken.

Safeway doesn't offer customers the option to reserve a cleaning machine online. However, you can check online to find out if the local Safeway offers carpet cleaner rental services, as long as you use the local zip code here on the Rug Doctor website.

But keep in mind that all the Safeway locations rent out all the mentioned models to the customers. Thus, when confirming if the local Safeway rentals the Rug Doctors carpet cleaning machine, you also should ask about the model specifications and its rental availability.

How Much Do Carpet Cleaner Rental Services Cost at Safeway?

Currently, Safeway rents out three models of the Rug Doctor carpet cleaners. Each cleaning machine is rented at varying prices. The charges and duration are as outlined below:-

The X3 Carpet cleaner costs $30 to rent for 24 hours, while 48 hours will cost $40. The Pro Deep Cleaner costs $35 for 24 hours, while 48 hours go for $45. Lastly, they also have the Pro Portable Detailer & Spot Cleaner, currently rented out for $20 for four hours, $25 for 24 hours, and $35 for 48 hours. You can choose from the above highlights depending on your preference and rental period.

The above is just a general price that the Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental will cost customers. Also, note that the price might vary depending on your location. However, when you need extra accessories on top of the cleaning machine rental costs, you will have to pay extra.

In most cases, the extra charges start at $5 or $6. Safeway also sells cleaning solutions that cost $5 to close to $25. Safeway does not require customers to deposit for the damage costs while renting these cleaning machines. Let's find out about the extra charges in the next section.

Additional Charges at Safeway for the Carpet Cleaner Rental Services

When Safeway removes the carpet cleaners, customers must pay for the rental charges as outlined above. But keep in mind that there are some extra charges associated with Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rentals. It would help if you remembered this when you went for the services.

When you fail to return the carpet cleaner on time, you will be charged the late rental return fee, which can be $20 to $40 per day until you return the machine to the store.

Still, when you return the damaged carpet cleaner machine, you will be responsible for or incur the cost of repairing or replacing the parts.

You are also entitled to clean the machine before returning it to Safeway. When you return a dirty machine, you must pay an additional cleaning fee, ranging from $15 to $30, depending on your location.

Other Places to Rent a Carpet Cleaner

Other than Safeway, here are some other stores that offer carpet cleaner rental services:-

Note that all the above-mentioned stores typically rent out Rug Doctor carpet cleaner machines, which you can comfortably access from their official website. When you fail to locate the carpet cleaner rental from the local Safeway, count on the alternatives above.

Pros and Cons of Rent a Carpet Cleaner

While customers enjoy some benefits from renting carpet cleaners from Safeway, this experience also has disadvantages. In this section, we will summarize the pros and cons so you can make your own judgment.



Tips to Successfully Utilize the Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rentals

When you want to utilize the Safeway Carpet Cleaner Rental services fully, here are some tips.


Most of the Safeway locations offer carpet cleaner rental services to the customer. Ideally, they feature the Rug Doctor carpet cleaner machines through different models. Head to the Safeway customer service desk or call the support team to check availability before collection. Safway has three Rug Doctor carpet cleaner models for renting, and charges vary based on the rental period from 4 to 24 to 48 hours. Read the above article for the additional charges on accessories, late returns, damage, and cleaning fees.

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