Duvets vs Comforters: Which One Would You Choose?

Wade E. Baker

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When choosing bedding, which wins the duvets vs comforters competition?

Both the duvet and the comforter should provide comfort while you sleep. This will mainly depend on what works best for you, how much you love washing your bedding, and whether you love making your bed. All these should be considered when deciding between duvets vs comforters to decide the type of bedding you prefer.

What is a Duvet?

A duvet is soft bedding filled with synthetic materials, down, feathers and wool. For protection, the bedding comes with a cover that is removable known as the duvet cover. With a single covering, it is preferred for its thermal insulating use.

As it is spread as a top layer of your bedding. The bedding keeps you warm while you rest.  And they don’t show through the cover as they are in most cases plain white.

What is a Duvet Cover?

A duvet cover is a protective pillow that covers your bedding. It comes with closures fitted with loops such that when slipped over your bedding it will prevent it from slipping. They can be changed from time to time to change the look of your room.

Pros and Cons of a Duvet


  • Made from material that is durable and easily falls into place.
  • Comfortable to sleep on as it is made from natural feathers and other synthetic materials that are soft and fluffy.
  • Come with a cover that you can easily slip on to add a more decorative design.
  • The cover is available in different colors and patterns. This makes it easier to find one that will suit your bedroom.
  • It saves time as it is capable of standing on its own along with a cover to make one later.
  • Easily washable as only the part that comes in contact with the skin needs washing. Thus you can throw it like a regular sheet in the machine.


  • Tends to be expensive due to the natural fabrics used like feathers or wool.
  • For it to be complete, the bedding requires a duvet cover as it looks plain on its own.
  • Finding the perfect size insert is hard. This is because the covers are square in shape thus looking for the right-sized bedding is tricky.
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What is a Comforter?

Securely stitched, a comforter is a thick blanket fluffy enough to keep you warm.  It is filled with a filler of natural materials that are evenly distributed. These materials include wool, silk, down, feathers, and fur. Designed for decorative purposes, it may come with a matching set of sheets and pillowcases.

The thickness of the comforter filling depends on the filling weight used. This will also enhance the level of insulation. During the cold season, the comforter is the better choice, the feathers thickness or any other preferred filling used insulates you against the cold.

Pros and Cons of a Comforter


  • Helps in mixing and matching to make your bed look presentable, this is mainly because it comes with sheets and pillows that perfectly match.
  • No hassle’s searching for a fitting insert. This makes it easier to maintain as it stays put and rarely shifts like the duvet.
  • They can be used with or without the top bed cover.


  • Comforters often require a leading sheet. This sometimes can be expensive as it means adding another item to your bedding.
  • It takes time to tidy up when making your bed daily.
  • The filling from the comforters tends to go level quickly. This makes the comforter fell bumpy and becomes flat compared to the duvet filling.
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Differences between a Duvet vs Comforter

Different names are used for bedding materials, especially for sheets that are prefilled for warmth and comfort in different places. Duvet and comforters are two such things that are used for similar purposes.

While both are used to cover or wrap around oneself in cold weather during nights, there are differences between the two that you must be aware of.

A comforter is larger in size than a duvet. A comforter can be used as a bedspread though it is basically a prefilled blanket. A duvet looks like a bag made up of small pillows filled with down or feathers.

A duvet has to be inserted inside a duvet cover. A dirty duvet cover can be washed, but not the duvet. On the other hand, a comforter does not need to be inserted inside a cover and can be dry cleaned or washed.

In most cases, you will find a duvet with more filling than a comforter. A comforter is stitched to hold the layers of fillings, whereas a duvet looks like a string of small pillows held together by stitching.

Some people make use of duvet as bedding in summers. However, a comforter is always used as a blanket.

Today, the two types of beddings are usually filled with synthetic fibers. However, you can find a duvet or a comforter with a natural fill, such as wool or down.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Duvet


When purchasing a duvet you should put consideration into how warm the bedding will keep you. This mostly is written on the duvet packaging on its ability to trap warm air. In cold seasons, you will have an idea of the ideal bedding to purchase, one that will keep you insulated.

If you sleep on warm temperatures in the tropical, then it is deemed best to go for a light summer bedding. This is also perfect for people with warm body temperatures and for those people who want a duvet for warmer months.


If you love the feel of heavy blankets, then you should consider a microfiber filled duvet or a feather filled duvet. All these duvet fills are fluffy and warm. With a lot of fill that makes them heavier, they don’t have great insulating properties.

You may prefer light bedding that will not weigh you down when sleeping. The down duvet is the ideal choice as it is warm and with less fill, you effortlessly achieve the desired warmth level.


When it comes to duvets there are different types of fillings: synthetic and natural fillings. The natural filling is soft and allows your skin to breathe more easily. You will find that they are filled with either down or feathers from geese or ducks.

The down-filled models are made from fluffy feathers and are lightweight. This ensures that they offer warmth as they are designed to keep you warm in cold temperatures. The silk filled duvets are a good option for those who want an artificial feeling and those who suffer from allergies

The synthetic filled beddings are for those who are allergic to feathers and down. They can be washed regularly unlike the natural filled duvets. They include the hollow fiber filling and the microfiber filling.

Duvet Construction

Good bedding needs a different designed construction that will contain the down evenly on the bedding. One should consider constructions like the baffle box, where there are small fabrics baffles inside the bedding to hold down the fill and at the same time allowing it to reach the maximum loft.

Gusset duvets are baffled and stitched well with fabric walls on the sides to give the beddings extra height and more loft. The quilt stitching construction is suitable for lower filled power duvets and is less expensive. The channel duvet allows the down to shift inside.

Duvet Thread Count

The higher the thread count of a duvet the softer the duvet. This is an important aspect as it ascertains the comfort of the sheet. This will also count if you are sensitive to noise while sleeping as the higher thread counts means less noise.


If you require frequent cleaning and washing of your duvet, you should consider a microfiber with a synthetic fill. This way, you can wash them in the machine as you prefer. For the feather filled and down filled duvets, dry cleaning should be done.


For any type of duvet that you want to purchase, you should put into consideration what defines your budget. With the type of fill being the determining factor on the price of the bedding, down is the most expensive fill.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Comforter

Fill Power

With a high fill power, you will find that your comforter tends to have larger and stronger clusters of down filling. This ensures that your comforter perfectly provides insulation, breathes better and will last compared to smaller and fragile clusters of down.

Size of the Bed

To find a comforter that perfectly fits your bed is not easy. Therefore, you should consider buying a comforter that drops down on the sides of the bed to ensure that it is not too small. You should take the correct measurements to enable you to match the right size of the comforter.

Outer Thread Count

Despite being soft and fluffy. The down clusters have the ability to leak through on any fabric that holds them together. You should, therefore, consider buying a comforter that is tightly stitched and with a high thread count to provide a coverage that is leak-proof.


To clean your comforter, it is advised to follow instructions given by the manufacturer. Air your comforter regularly twice per year to attain freshness. And clean it once per year before storing away. Fluff and shake the comforter regularly to expand the down clusters.

This sums up our comparison of duvets vs comforters. We hope the information helps you decide between duvets vs comforters for the beds in your home.

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