Spotify Local Files Not Syncing to iPhone: 6 Ways to Fix It!

Ali Abdaal

Have you ever experienced the problem of preparing a perfect playlist only to discover that Spotify won't sync your local files? The "Spotify Local Files not syncing" issue has plagued users for years. We have some handy tips and tricks to get your tunes back on track. Read on to learn the steps to troubleshoot this problem.

If you're a Spotify user, you may have experienced the issue of local files not syncing properly to your account. It can be particularly discouraging if you have a large collection of music that you want to access on various devices.

However, several troubleshooting steps can be taken to address this issue and get your local files syncing properly again. In this guide, we will provide a detailed step-by-step process to fix "Spotify Local Files Not Syncing." Let’s get started.

Table Of Contents

Requirements for Playing Spotify Local Music Files

Before we dive into the troubleshooting steps for fixing "Spotify Local Files Not Syncing," it's important to understand the requirements for playing local music files on Spotify. These requirements are as follows:

If you're unable to see or play your local files on the Spotify desktop app, it's likely due to one of the following:

How to Fix "Spotify Local Files Not Syncing"?

Suppose your Spotify song is not downloaded on local files and isn't syncing properly. You've tried all the usual troubleshooting steps, but nothing seems to work. Here are some simple and effective solutions to fix "Spotify Local Files Not Syncing."

1. Check Your Network Connection

Checking your network connection is the first step to resolving the "Spotify Local Files, not Syncing" issue. Ensure you have a stable internet connection before syncing local files on Spotify. If the problem persists, try turning off Wi-Fi and using mobile data or vice versa. Alternatively, connect to another Wi-Fi source if possible.

2. Make Sure the Files Meet the Minimum Requirements

When you encounter the issue of Spotify local files not syncing, one possible reason could be that your files do not meet the minimum requirements. To resolve this problem, you need to check if your files are in a compatible format. Spotify supports different audio file formats such as MP3, M4P (unless it contains video content), and MP4. If your local files are in an unsupported format or have DRM protection, they will not sync with Spotify.

To check if your local files meet the minimum requirements, you can navigate to their location on your device and right-click them. Then select "Properties" from the dropdown menu and look for information about their file type and size. If some of your local music files do not meet these requirements, you must convert them into a supported format using third-party software before syncing them with Spotify again

3. Update Spotify to the Latest Version

If you are running an outdated version of Spotify, it could be why your local files aren't syncing correctly. Maybe you didn't realize an update was available, or your app is set to update automatically but hasn't been working properly. In any case, having the latest version of Spotify installed on your device is always a good idea. To check for updates on Spotify, open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and tap the Updates tab at the bottom of the screen.

If there's an update available for Spotify, tap the Update button next to it. By keeping your software up-to-date, you can ensure all features work correctly and avoid compatibility issues with other programs running on your device. Regularly updating helps improve overall performance while ensuring a better experience when listening to music online and offline through local files syncing in Spotify.

4. Clear Spotify Cache

The cache stores temporary data that help load your frequently used pages faster but can also cause issues if it becomes corrupted or outdated. Sometimes clearing the cache may resolve issues with syncing local files on Spotify. Here's how:

5. Change Firewall Settings If Using Windows 10

Windows Firewall settings can also interfere with the functionality of applications such as Spotify; hence consider tweaking firewall settings if all other solutions fail. If you're using Windows 10, you might need to change your firewall settings to get Spotify working properly. Here's how:

Step 1: Go to Windows Firewall on your PC and choose “Allow an app.”

Step 2: In the upper right corner of the window, click Change settings.

Step 3: Locate exe and choose whether to allow it to private or public networks. We recommend allowing it on both.

Step 4: Click Save Changes and try opening Spotify again. It should now work.

Changing your firewall settings can help fix issues with syncing local files in Spotify if they aren't downloading properly. Double-check that you've allowed private and public access to Spotify through your firewall once you're done making changes

6. Reset Your Local Files Preferences

Resetting Local File Preferences restores default configurations and eliminates any glitches affecting the seamless synchronization of tracks from sources outside of Spotify's library. To do this, first,

You can also try changing your other preferences, such as turning off hardware acceleration or toggling high-quality streaming on/off. Sometimes these small changes can make a big difference in resolving syncing issues. If this fix doesn't work for you either, it may be time to contact Spotify support for further assistance or consider alternative music streaming options.


Several methods are available to troubleshoot and fix the issue of "Spotify Local Files not syncing." By checking internet connectivity, and firewall settings, ensuring both devices have the latest updates, and resetting the Spotify app, users can quickly resolve this common problem. With these actionable steps, users can efficiently sync their local music files to their Spotify accounts without hassles.

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