What Weight Bowling Ball Should I Use? Heavy Vs Light?

Jimmy Dodo
Have you noticed the size of the bowling ball you are using is a significant factor that can cause your game to be perfect or poor? I once had a bawling ball that we were sharing with family members during the outing, and it Weight 9 lbs; it was a lighter ball for me, and I had no idea that size mattered in the game. Later on, I found experts in bowling who enlightened me that I was using the wrong ball since my ideal size was about 12 lbs, which is why I wasn’t a better bawler. So I started using my ideal ball size, and to my surprise, my game started to improve, and I could avoid making more Slits than in previous games in which I was using the wrong size ball.

For new bowlers to stop being confused about the type of ball to use, the key to having a perfect game is to know the ideal weight of the bowling ball you should use. If you use a ball heavier than your expected size, you may end up with an external injury in your body, while using a lighter ball can cause poor results with your shots. This article will guide the answer to what weight ball you should use during bowling.

Table Of Contents

What is the Best Ball Weight Should I Use?

Many bowlers, especially beginners, have a difficult decision on the exact weight of the ball to use compared to their weight. However, that should not worry you since you need to follow this rule of bowling that illustrates that for every bowling ball you want to use, its weight should be 10% of your weight. This rule is also affected by a few factors that can hinder people whose weight is not falling in the normal category.

Knowing the right bowling ball is essential to ensuring the weight you want to use will not affect your physical well-being. Will you be able to last with it for long without feeling exhausted? For instance, if you take a 16-pound ball and experience difficulty throwing it at first, you will have to downsize the weight to one or two points. Doing this can get it to match your body capacity. If you start with a heavy ball, chances are your shots will be inconsistent, and you may start strong and burn out in the remaining shots, which you will lose a lot.

It is wise for every bowler to have the right bowling ball size to handle it comfortably and even play multiple games without affecting their shots. Remember that 10 percent of your weight should be your ideal weight ball. To add more, the recommended best ball weight for adults can range from 14 to 16 pounds. For kids, teens, and young adults, the ideal weight can range from 6 to 14 pounds depending on someone's strength.

Steps For Choosing Your Bowling Ball Size.

You can look for your first perfect ball if you are new to bowling or still an armature. Always check for a reactive-resin cover stock that will provide you with shots of higher potential. Let's look at these five steps you can follow:

Why Does Bowling Ball weight matter?

The ball's weight matters a lot, and if you have the ideal weight, you can throw consistent speeds that knock down pins. If you have a too-heavy ball, you will end up being slow, and as the game goes on, you will lose speed, and your body will be weighed down. If your ball is too light, you will have fewer points for lacking force to hit the pins.

The speed of the ball is another factor that can affect your results during practice. For instance, if you have a 16-pound ball and throw it at a speed of 10mph, you will have an advantage over someone with a 14-pound ball at 18 mph, which has a more significant impact on the game.

How do you know your bowling ball is too heavy?

One of the most significant indicators that show you are using a heavy bowling ball is your own body. After you have done your bowling practices and the next day, you wake up with sore muscles that show the ball you use is heavy. Other symptoms you can feel in your body after the night of bowling are elbow, arm, shoulder, back, or wrist pain.

Using a heavy bowling ball has a significant advantage in your game, and most pro bowlers strive to get used to it, and you can also practice towards heavy weights. However, if you feel your body is straining with the heavy ball,  this can lead to body injuries and hinder your chances of getting points.

Always listen to your body and work with comfortable weights that won't cause sore muscles or pain in other parts of the body.

Bawling Ball Weight Calculator.

Here is a quick calculation that can assist you in having an ideal ball weight according to what you weigh. You have to divide your body weight by 11 and subtract the value from 2. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you must divide it by 11(120/11 = 10.9). This weight is the best for your bowling ball, but if you want to be more comfortable, you can subtract the resultant weight (10.9) from 1 or 2.

Can You Add Weight To Your Bowling Ball?

Adding weight to your bowling is possible by simply adding some static weight. However, it is against the rules of USBC, and many Pro shops won't agree to add weight. The only legal way to alter your ball weight is by drilling a balance hole. Drilling does maintain the weight of the bowling ball.

What Is The Average Bowling Ball Weight?

To achieve a successful and consistent strike in bowling, it is recommended to use a bowling ball weight of around 12 lbs. Using this Weight will provide you with an optimal balance between control and power. For instance, let's picture the impact between the bowling ball and the pins, and the best scenario is when the ball strikes the four front pins.

Let's say we have pins numbered 1,3,5,9, each weighing 3 pounds; for the right-handed bowlers, their shots tend to interact with pins 1,3,5 and 9, eventually causing the remaining pins to fall along with these four. While for the left-handed bowlers, their shots affect pins 1,2,5 and 8. Therefore to understand this pattern, you need to know that a 12lbs bowling ball is the most suitable choice. The ball's weight ensures it has maintained its momentum and does not deflect upon impact.

Does A Heavy Bowling Ball Hook More?

Yes, It does. Heavier bowling balls tend to hook more compared to lighter ones. When you have that extra weight, it becomes easier to generate a larger and more pronounced hook. You can make the ball curve nicely by giving it a good release with a prominent arch.

So here's why the hook shot is considered more powerful and essential than a straight shot. When you throw a hook, the energy from the ball is spread out among all the pins in the pocket. This means you have a better chance of knocking down multiple pins. On the other hand, a straight shot primarily focuses its energy on the headpin and tends to go straight, often leaving a few pins standing.

However, keeping your comfort and control in mind is crucial when choosing a bowling ball weight. If you find yourself tired from throwing balls that are too heavy, you'll likely lose control and won't be able to generate enough velocity. Sticking with a comfortable weight that allows you to maintain control while still being effective on the lanes is a good idea.

What weight do pro bowlers use?

Most bowlers, especially pro bowlers, use a 15lbs because the heavier the ball you can handle, the better the results. It is surprising that manufacturers make balls weighing 16 lbs, but most people don't use them. Using heavier balls like 16 lbs is not recommended, which can affect you and get low scores. Generally, just as we have said, handle a weight that you will be comfortable with.

Advantage Of Using Heavier Bowling Ball.

Using a Heavier bowling ball has many benefits that every bowler can experience. Here are some advantages that we can get:

Disadvantages of Using Heavy Bowling Balls.

As much as heavy balls have numerous benefits to a bowler, they also have a few drawbacks that, as a player, you may encounter.

Advantage of Using Lighter Bowling Ball.

What are the benefits you can get when using a lightweight bowling ball:

Disadvantages of Using Lightweight Bowling Balls.


The bowling ball's weight is crucial when it comes to bowling, as it significantly impacts your gaming performance, whether you play casually or competitively in a league. To achieve aggressive gameplay and deliver a perfect strike to the bowling pins, it is important to determine the appropriate weight of the bowling ball. As mentioned above, the 10% rule can be helpful when choosing the right weight. Therefore, anyone should adhere to this rule and select a bowling ball that weighs approximately 10% of their body weight. This proportion allows for optimal control and power during throws, maximizing your chances of hitting the pins with precision and force.

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