12 Best Teeth Straightener Brands: Invisible Braces And Teeth Aligners

Crystal Arron
It can be overwhelming to find the most effective teeth straighter brand with the numerous brands in the market. Considering they cost a fortune, you won't like the embarrassment of choosing a non-effective brand. For such reasons, we’ve narrowed down the list to 12 best teeth straightener brands with proven effectiveness.

A cute smile is everyone's desire. It improves confidence to smile in public, and teeth play a vital role in smiling and biting. However, some teeth conditions like under-bite, cross-bite, gap teeth, open-bite and crowded teeth cause misalignment of teeth and require straightening to achieve a desired smile. Many brands have devised innovative teeth treatment plans using braces and aligners designed to correct these alignment conditions. Here are some 12 best teeth straightener brands;

Table Of Contents

1. Invisalign

Invisalign is a reputable brand known to use clear and removable aligner treatments. It is a comfortable and discreet treatment that enables you to acquire the desired smile healthily. The brand also offers retainers to be used after the treatment period. To use this type of treatment, your doctor will perform a 3D teeth scan and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. While under this treatment, regular monitoring by an orthodontist is required.

Key Features

Depending on the treatment period and plan, they cost about $3000-$8000.

2. ClearCorrect

ClearCorrect is a teledentistry brand with a stealer reputation for producing high-quality dental accessories. Their teeth aligners are made with multi-layered plastic material, which is medically tested. Their aligners are effective, comfy, and efficient, as they can be removed when eating, brushing, and flossing. Their treatment plan begins with a teeth scan then you can acquire matching ClearCorrect aligners customized for you.

Key Features

Their prices vary depending on the severity and period of treatment, but you need approximately $4000-$5500.

3. AlignerCo

AlignerCo is a reputable brand that gives you a bold smile with straightened teeth. Their treatment plan is offered by US-trained and licensed Orthodontists who design customized aligners for you upon taking teeth impressions at home and sending it to them.

Key Features

The starting price for their treatment plan is $945, and an impression kit costs about $59.99.

4. Byte

Byte is a specialized brand that offers quick and affordable teeth straightening treatment at home. You need to take your teeth impressions with a byte impression kit and send it through your online Byte account center. Upon being reviewed by an Orthodontist, you'll be sent a 3D visualization of the current alignment and what to expect. Then the Orthodontist will design customized aligners for you within three to four weeks.

Key Features

You need about $1999-$2399 for the Byte treatment plan.

5. Strayt

Strayt is a dental equipment brand offering a convenient way to mold your teeth for a perfect smile. Strayt aligners are made with BPA-free polymer material to provide the best experience. To achieve your desired smile with Strayt, you need to book an appointment for a free scan or an impression kit to be mailed to your location; then, you'll receive a preview of a preferred treatment plan. If impressed, you can apply for customized clear or night aligners.

Key Features

  1. Treatment period: Treatment can take up to 6 months, depending on how severe the condition is.
  2. Treatment type: Effective on mild to moderate corrections.
  3. Type:
  4. They offer a trial choice of clear tray aligners before you commit to the therapy.

It can cost you about $2000-$5000 to acquire Strayt aligners.

6. SureSmile

You choose Sure; you choose Smile. That is the slogan behind the good reputation of the SureSmile teeth straightening brand. Suresmile can give you a smile you've always wanted, even with severe teeth malocclusion. The brand relies on impressions from your dentist to customize clear aligners that are highly innovative. They can be accompanied with a VPro, a vibration tool to improve the comfort of your treatment and help the aligners fit well. For a permanent solution after treatment, you can acquire SureSmile retainers.

Key Features

This treatment costs approximately $3000-$6000, depending on the treatment plan and goals.

7. Candid

Founded in 2007, Candid has gained popularity globally as one of the best teeth straightener brands. The brand offers a convenient and comfortable way to improve dental alignment with clear braces or aligners customized using 3D imaging technology. Using a Doctor Locator app, you can identify a CandidPro doctor near you and book an appointment to assess and scan your teeth. Then you'll be given a set of aligners, monitoring materials, and whitening foam. During the treatment, progress monitoring is essential after every two weeks by your Orthodontist.

Key Features

Depending on the plan and goals, its treatment plan costs about $3000-$7000.

8. Newsmile

Wear your new smile with Newsmile teeth straighteners. Founded in 2020, the Newsmile is dedicated to offering both clear aligners and metal braces, thus one of the best teeth straightener brands. Their aligners are well-fitting, invisible, less noticeable, and comfortable to wear all day. Patients can choose to use day aligners or night aligners.

Key Features

Newsmile aligners are 75% cheaper than braces, and it can cost you about $1595-$1695 to undergo a Newsmile treatment plan.

9. SmileDirect

SmileDirect has been an excellent teledentistry brand best known for its teeth straighteners for several years. Its aligners are made from a clear and BPA-free plastic material to fit well and for comfort. SmileDirect aligners are tailored for individuals upon an in-person teeth scan or taking impressions from home. Progress is remotely monitored through their SmileDirectClub app.

Key Features

For a smile you like, you can go for a Smile Direct treatment plan for just $2050.

10. Six Months Smiles

Six Months Smiles is the most convenient and confident way to achieve a cosmetic touch-up on your teeth. This brand uses modern technology to design clear brackets held with tooth-colored wires to function. Above all, they work with your Orthodontist to customize braces fit for you and monitor progress.

Key Features

Six Months Smiles costs about $4000 but can vary from patient to patient.

11. Empower Braces

Empower is a self-ligating teeth straightening system designed to offer a comfortable treatment plan. These braces are fitted with a clip instead of traditional wires to hold the archwire. They are made with high technology to minimize discomfort while maximizing effectiveness.

Key Features

To undergo Empower treatment plan, it can cost you a monthly fee starting from $195, but it varies from patient to patient.

12. Damon Braces

Damon Braces are aesthetically made braces that apply a sliding mechanism that applies less pressure on teeth during the treatment period, thus more comfort, unlike traditional braces that use elastic bands.

Key Features

A Damon treatment plan can cost you about $5500-$7000.


There are several effective teeth straightener brands available. Choosing the right brand depends on one's orthodontic condition and personal goals. For best results, it's good to consult your Orthodontist besides your research for a treatment plan that is suitable for you. With our 12 Best teeth straightener brands list, identifying a brand that works for you is more effortless. Good luck as you look forward to smiling more and more confidently.

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